The Republican Party’s Hypocrisy Conundrum
James Owens
I try to write with some balance and fairness, but today it’s not going to seem like it to Conservatives, and I use the term lightly. I’ve grown tired of the birther conspiracies, the Muslim conspiracies and all the other Obama conspiracies the Right have been spewing out. They are only upset because their party is out of the White House; they have Bush and Cheney to thank for that – they did it to themselves. So, instead of licking their wounds and trying to figure out what they did wrong, they attack, attack and attack again. As I have said many times, when you don’t have a defense you try to darken the other person’s path to make your path look whiter. So we will have a look at that whiter path of the Grand Ole Party.
The Republican Party thought they were doing the smart thing when the aligned themselves with the Evangelicals, however, what they have done for the most part is show what hypocrites they really are. They love to preach morality and try to push these values on to everyone else by legislating it. There is no room in our government for the legislation of morality, isn’t that the very thing most were trying to escape from when they came to America?
The Republican Party and those who support it are a polarizing force in this country. I’m not saying there are not Democrats who are not guilty of the same, but the GOP seems to have a patent on polarizing the masses.
To obtain the Christian vote the GOP claims they are against gay rights. To obtain the Christian vote, they claim to be anti-abortion. To obtain the support from Christians the Republican Party touts family values, but do they practice what they preach? The Christian Coalition and like-minded groups all but call Democrats devils, but at the same time they are supporting the evil, lying, so called conservative Republicans. To get your vote, I would say I am anti-abortion, and will even vote that way to keep your vote, no matter how I really feel about it because I am a hypocrite. Why don’t the Evangelicals see this, or do they just see this as an end to a means?
Let’s take a look at some of the men and women who say they are anti-gay rights, anti-abortion and stand for family values:
Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina. Sanford is a family values man isn’t he? That’s why is disappeared to South America to lay with a mistress. Hypocrite!
Mark Foley, a former Florida Congressman who liked young boys and sent them emails. He was caught trying to satisfy his homosexual desires. Yet, this is the same man, who during his campaigns said, “the gay lifestyle revolting.” Hypocrite!
Senator John McCain, called Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell “agents of intolerance” and a polarizing force, but last year when he needed them he praised them and touted their values. Hypocrite!
Rudy Giuliani, a family values man who has been known to have affairs and has been married more times that he has fingers. Hypocrite!
Larry Craig, a former Congressman busted in a pubic restroom sting operation after he invited an undercover officer to have sex with him. Hypocrite!
Bob Barr, a former Congressman from Georgia, who as a Republican sponsored the Anti-Gay Defense of Marriage Act. Bob has been married three times, paid for his second wife’s abortion and has failed to pay child support. Bob, who claims high morals and family values was also caught licking whipped cream off a stripper at his inauguration. Bob, is now with the Libertarian Party and lost his bid for a Congressional seat last year. Hypocrite!
David Vitter, a Louisiana Senator caught with prostitutes, but like Mark Sanford, everything is all right because God and his wife have forgiven him. Hypocrite!
Vito Fosella, a former New York Congressman, and real charmer, who shunned his own sister because she was gay, but had extra-marital affairs and a child out of wedlock. He has also be arrested for drunk driving. Hypocrite!
Jim Bunn, an Oregon State Senator who ditched his wife and five children and ran off to marry a staff member after winning his Congressional seat. The man had to celebrate, right? Hypocrite!
Helen Chenoweth, the first woman to represent the State of Idaho in the US Senate, called for Bill Clinton’s resignation saying that “personal conduct and integrity do matter.” She later admitted she had a six-year affair with a married associate. She too received forgiveness in an effort to keep the Evangelical vote. “I’ve asked for God’s forgiveness, and I’ve received it.” Hypocrite!
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives is a real sweetheart. Remember how he dogged Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinski? Remember how John Edwards was ostracized for having an affair while his wife fought a battle with cancer? Newt did the same thing to his wife, but went a bit farther. He went to her hospital bed and asked for a divorce while she was undergoing cancer treatment. Hypocrite!
Lewis Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney’s main man, published a book containing bizarre sexual content, which included bestiality and pedophilia. Oh, did I mention he’s in prison for another matter? Hypocrite!
Rush Limbaugh: This man spews more hatred than anyone on the airwaves. A staunch Republican supporter of family values, Limbaugh has been arrested on drug charges and has himself been married three times. Hypocrite!
Joseph M McDade, 75, a longtime Pennsylvania Congressman was arrested for exposing his genitals in public. He now works for a lobbying firm in Washington. Hypocrite!
Bill O’Reilly, a conservative television show analyst who supports family values, but was sued by his own female producer, Andrea Mackris, for sexual harassment. The harassment, which involved vibrators and other such things, was settled out of court. Hypocrite!
Joe Scarborough, the former Congressman and conservative talk show host, had an affair with his intern, Lori Klausutis, who later ended up dead from suspicious circumstances. This could have been a coincidence, but the affair was not. Hypocrite!
Ed Schrock, a Republican Congressman who co-sponsored the Defense of Marriage Act, and who is a staunch fighter against gay rights, was caught on tape soliciting gay sex. Hypocrite!
Dr. Laura Schlesinger, a right wing conservative radio host opposed to birth control and claims to support family values. Laura had her tubes tied, admitted that she committed adultery, left her husband and posed for nude photographs. Hypocrite!
Strom Thurmond, a former Congressman and outspoken family values kind of guy who was a known bigot, fathered a child with a 15-year-old African American girl. Hypocrite!
Neil Goldsmidt, a former Oregon governor who was busted for having sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl. Hypocrite!
Tom Delay, a former Texas Congressman and presidential hopeful, who resigned after he was indicted for money laundering. Hypocrite!
John Doolittle apparently did something. This conservative congressman from California is currently under investigation by the US Justice Department for his involvement with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Hypocrite!
I have saved the best for last. These, so called men of God, did not practice what they preached.
Jim Bakker, who worked for the Christian Broadcasting Network and pulled in lots of dough for them and himself, committed adultery and used charitable contributions for personal use. He also used contributions to pay hush money to Jessica Hahn, the woman he had an affair with. He was indicted for fraud, tax evasion and racketeering. Hypocrite!
Jimmy Swaggart, a televangelist who had affairs with parishioners while telling his flock not to do it themselves, then he had the nerve to expose Jim Bakker for his sexual indiscretions. Swaggart called Bakker a “cancer in the body of Christ,” and was later found with a prostitution along a Louisiania highway. Hypocrite, Hypocrite, Hypocrite!
Louis Beres, a former chairman of the Christian Coalition in Oregon who confessed to molesting children. Hypocrite, Hypocrite, Hypocrite!
Kim Calvert, once called the “champion of the Christian Coalition’s Family Values, was himself caught having oral sex with a prostitute. Hypocrite!
There are more names and more sexcapades, but I only have so much time. The Right complain their scandals get more press than Democrats like Gary Hart, Gov. Jim McGrevey, John Edwards, Bill Clinton and Eliot Spitzer, and maybe they do. If Republicans do get more negative press for their dirty dealings, and they should, considering it is their party that preaches family values and morality to everyone else. What does the Bible say about being the first to cast a stone?
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